You may associate it with the Adams Family or gothic teenagers, but black is a powerful indicator of refinement that gives rooms a sexy and mysterious atmosphere.

A black room is chic and daring and will undeniably have guests talking!

Black paint is intimidating, especially when you know that light tones have the gift of enlarging a room and dark tones, to do the opposite. Yet those who opted for it say that the sacrifice is well worth the effort and that the end result is much less suffocating than one might think: after all, any room, when one paints each wall of the same color, seems larger.


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Once dark and neglected, the alleys of big cities are more and more developed to create a healthy living environment conducive to good relationships between neighbors. We will tell you all about the benefits of green alleys.

Green alleys have been popular for the last fifteen years. They are growing in number in big cities around the world. The project is simple: To remove some of the concrete and asphalt in order to introduce flowers, plants, vegetables, plant walls and green roofs, but also make it possible to decorate the area with a few seats and picnic tables. In Montreal alone, there are over 400 Green Alleys! The borough that has the most green alleys is Rosemont – La Petite-Patrie, followed closely by Le Plateau-Mont-Royal. Let us shed light on their many benefits.


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We know that happiness is found in small things. The Danish have clearly understood this. In Europe, they are considered to be the happiest people on the continent. Their secret? Hygge philosophy!

Pronounced “hoo-ga”, Hygge is an Art of Living Developed in Denmark at the end of the nineteenth century. At that time, the Danish population made a significant change; The inhabitants of this country began focusing on their families and social activities and put aside more common and costly outings.

Today, the Danish are known to be arrogant, despite the fact that their weather is so gloomy. The Principle of Hygge Simple: you must simply create happiness in your everyday life. Here are some suggestions for applying it to your home.


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It is not always easy to enjoy a moment of tranquility in one’s home; whether it be due to the sound of a lawn-mower, a neighbor’s music, passing cars, children’s cries… Unless you live in the woods, you won’t be able to escape the noise! Fortunately, there are a few tips for soundproofing a room to be able to enjoy a moment of peace.

Certain techniques for soundproofing a home are effective, but they are not always an option. These techniques can include acoustic panels or the addition of insulating wool In the walls of the house. But these are solutions that require lots of work. Do you want to improve your quality of life by reducing noise, without rethinking your property? Here are some tips and tricks that will help you achieve this. 


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If you enjoyed learning more about the beauty of imperfection, the wabi-sabiand you already have a penchant for Scandinavian interior design, you will surely want to discover Japandi, an interesting yet harmonious style.

For several months, interior designers have been exploring Japandi. It combines the simplicity and irresistible warmth of northern interiors with the sleek and zen side of japanese style. Japandi Allows us to transform our home into a place where well-being reigns. Let us shed light on this new interior design trend!


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