We can also add “undermounted or free standing”? Baths are becoming more and more surprising, whether it’s because of their original shape, the material used or their installation.

How many of you have ever seen an undermounted bath in a private bathroom? Wait until you see what we discovered.


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It was an iconic place during Flower Power, the excesses of the sexual revolution and the Peace and Love movement. Like some hippies, the building refused to grow old, always keeping one foot in the 60s. That’s fortunate, otherwise the Chelsea Hotel would be just another hotel among many others today. And it’s not.[……]

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If 29% of Quebecers who are on the verge of selling their home or who have already sold it to a new owner didn’t know the various mortgage loan options available in 2010, the percentage decreased to 6% in 2011. This means that Quebecers are now better able to make enlightened choices in terms of mortgage investment.

These findings were published in the last TD Canada Trust report on experienced home buyers.[……]

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